
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Picture share

I mentioned in the last post about planting small flowers around the trees....

I look forward to the plants getting bigger and the trees going into pink and white blooms!

In the previous post, I also mentioned a plant I want to dig up.  In the below picture, it's the one to the right:

I want to put a hummingbird plant (which blooms red/orange flowers) in its place....

The "before" shot of the driveway garden

The "after" shots... I have lilies, iris and agapanthas growing..

What's really neat this year in the front garden (which was planted last year), is seeing how the plants that survived the winter come up - what they look like.  The caladiums came back :)

Most of the front garden came back... love the blue black salvias:

The Monarch butterflies have been visiting regularly.

I'm also trying a few new plants in the front garden.... Kim said the blue one (picture below) is not an easy one to keep... it looks good in this picture, but it's a couple of weeks since I planted it and already it's a little icky looking..

Another butterfly bush (purple - below) - bought this at Lowe's on sale.  It was mostly brown.  We'll see if it makes it.

And this pink one was on sale at Lowe's too.  Kim said they should be easy to grow.

My husband and I also found some great deals on Zinnia's this year.  This is just one picture, but I have them planted throughout the front and side gardens.  I love the bright splash of colors!

One plant from last year, which Kim and I wondered if it would take... the purple passion flower in the front garden.  I have a purple and red passion flower in my backyard that took off very well this year from last year... but the one in the front garden was a tiny little sprout from Kim's garden and the bugs got to it last year... but it came back.. and THIS year for the FIRST time, it bloomed!  Just beautifully!

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