
Sunday, June 24, 2012


I forgot a step in the gardening/weeding process.  Before Kim and Sue shared plants from their gardens, Kim took me to Home Depot and Lowe's to window shop.  Kim wanted to know what I was looking for in a garden.  She couldn't name a plant and ask me if I wanted it in my garden, because I had no idea what the plant looked like.

Window shopping was an excellent idea.  She could point out a flower and ask if I liked it and tell me what colors she (and Sue) had in their gardens, etc.  It was an educational experience for me and I was with the perfect person, because Kim knows her plants!

One thing we both quickly realized about my tastes... I want color.  Which is probably the reason why this blog is red.  I love color.  I want bright colors.  Every color.  I want unique flowers.  I wasn't looking for uniformity.  Not in the front garden.  The very shape of the front garden and the size of it demanded bursts of colors and odd shaped blooms.

In the following posts, I'll share more of the individual blooms, but here's one of my favorites.  It's from Sue's garden - Blue/Black Salvia.  I just think it's so cool!  When it was transplanted though, it had a difficult time, will write more about that later.

At the store, Kim pointed out what I called "Elephant Ears."  I told her, "No, they get too big."  She corrected me.  They are caladiums and they don't get large and they like the shade.  There are solid red caladiums and solid greens, but I picked the speckled reds on the white and green leaves.  I didn't think I would like them, but they are great!

Here's the thing... you can have an awesome plant, but if it's not planted in the right place, it won't live or will be wilted and ugly.  I know this, because contrary to what my weeds looked like, I did attempt to grow a garden when I first bought the house.  The problem in the small section... it gets very little sunlight.  Yet, there's a center part of it that does get direct sun.  This was important to share with Kim as we planned the organization.  The caladium is thriving along the brick, because it's in the shade.  Happy me to see something growing there.

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