
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Grounds Keeper

The weather took a turn for the cool side... in May!  in New Orleans!  That's unheard of.

But good for gardening, in long pants.  But I still pulled up my hair and had on a short sleeve shirt.  I worked in the garden with my friend, Kim, for about 6 hours on Saturday.  And that is how I ended up with a sun burn on my arms and face and OUCH - on my EARS!!  Never had that happen before.  It hurts!

We pulled up weeds and planted a few new additions to the big garden, such as Zinnias and a purple Butterfly Bush.  The cost is normally 8 dollars for the Butterfly Bush, but there was one on sale at Lowe's for 2 dollars.  True, it looks a little on the unhealthy side, but heck, that's how I bought the firecracker plant last year and it's blooming like crazy right now!  I'm praying the Butterfly Bush comes to life like that too.

Another addition to the gardens ~ around the four crepe myrtle trees, we weeded in a circle and planted marigolds and other pretty flowers.  I like it :)  My mother-in-law said that I'm painting with my flowers :)

Something I wanted to do last year, but never got around to it, because of the pregnancy and well, mostly, because of the heat...  I'm starting on a lilly/iris garden.  It will be located on the small strip of land between the driveway and fence in the front yard.  Such a bland little piece of grass and I'm eager to fill it with bulbs and blooms.  I might even try for something to go up the fence.  First though, to tackle the grass being pulled up!

Oh and there's a tree/bush thing along the side of the house that I found out my husband doesn't like.  I only kept it, thinking he DID like it.  But when he said he didn't like the looks of it, both Kim and I cheered!  We're going to up root that sucker soon and find a pretty replacement.

I'm thrilled that almost all of the plants survived that are supposed to come back each year.  It tickles me to see them sprouting up from the ground. :)  It's God's garden... I'm just the grounds keeper :)

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