

I hope there won't be many oddities found in my garden.... but for them, here's a page:

Cute Oddity:

Normally I use Round Up to kill weeds growing on the sidewalk.  But this one bloomed really pretty.  A Facebook friend told me that this is Purslane:

Early morning oddity.... it appears the cats like the brick wall ledge....

Disgusting Oddity:

Ok, this is really gross.  I water the garden and walk around it throughout the day, so I take pretty good note of when something is in the garden or not.  This just appeared one morning.  I had to look it up on the Internet.

Result:  Fuligo Septica, or better known as DOG VOMIT FUNGUS.  Ewwwwwwww...  It's actually not a fungus, but rather a slime mold.  It got the dog vomit name, because gardeners would see this appear out of the blue (just as I did) and think that the neighbor's dog got sick in their yard.

This mold is known to grow in mulch.  Well, I guess I've gone through so many bags of mulch in my gardens that I should have expected this.  Definitely something... odd.

The color of the mold is bright yellow at first, but then developes into a brownish, harder mass.  It becomes crusty.  The final stage is the "spore" stage.  By rain, dogs, whatever hits it, the brown spores are released.

Control measures:  None required.  It's harmless to plants and animals.

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