
Monday, July 14, 2014

Hidden Lilly

The hidden lily bloomed for the first time this year. I love this lily, because it really is hidden among huge round green leaves.  The petals are soft and so is the lovely lavender/pink color.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Garden in Disgrace

My gardens look HORRIBLE.  My friend, Kim, came by one afternoon and me weed one of the gardens (lily garden).  The other gardens have weeds taller than me.  It's shameful.  But between the summer heat, a son sick with croup and now my husband sick... my gardens need serious attention and I feel really bad about not nurturing them.

Even with me not giving them TLC, the gardens continue to bloom.  Here are some pictures taken this year:

I love the purple bloom - first time bloomer from Kim's father-in-law's garden.

You would think I'd be ashamed of the below picture with weeds.  This is NOTHING in comparison to how bad the weeds grew.  Thankfully Kim came over and helped me DIG out the weeds.

The purple bloom :)

This is a second year bloom

Yeah!  The fern thingie plant has finally bloomed.  It was planted 3 years ago.  Kim promised me it would bloom small white flowers and here they are.

Even though we had a healthy winter, the blue-blacks came back in full force!

Knock out roses growing well.

Ok, I have learned something new about passion flower vines... they migrate!  Greg took down the old vines on the fence.  I thought for sure it was a goner.  Not only did it come back... it has tiny vines cropping up throughout the back yard and a new vine has emerged on the back patio too!

Of course the below is a favorite with my son :)

Whoop Whoop!  It bloomed!  The curly leaf lily of 2 years in one garden and then transplanted in the lily garden for a year and it FINALLY blooms (a lot too).  Love it - bright pink.

The below picture - I got this in the mail.  Tossed the seed in the ground.  Last year the leafs came up and died out quickly.  I didn't think it would come back this year, but it did and it bloomed tiny white flowers.  Not sure what it is though.

Sadly, the below picture is the front garden and this is "clean" in comparison to the horrible weeds growing right now.

This is the "after shot" of the lily garden.  Thank goodness for Kim's help!

Spider lilies are cool.